How to Have a Good Day in South Central LA
“The truth is, crafting a good day—even a close-to-perfect one—in South Central LA is far less elusive than the rap song would lead you to believe.” Read more.
Tag: Danielle Dorsey
“The truth is, crafting a good day—even a close-to-perfect one—in South Central LA is far less elusive than the rap song would lead you to believe.” Read more.
“Running along the southeastern coast of the U.S. are the Sea Islands, a chain of over 100 tidal and barrier islands spanning from Florida to North Carolina. The marshy region is also home to the Gullah Geechee Corridor, a 12,000-square-mile National Heritage Area — the cultural homeland of the Gullah Geechee people, descendants of enslaved
“RECREATION AND RELAXATION WITHOUT HUMILIATION.” That was the slogan Abraham Lincoln Lewis gave to his self-proclaimed American Beach, after he purchased 200 acres of seashore along Florida’s northeastern coast in 1935. “ To read on, click here.
“Sleep was my first coping mechanism. My mom likes to tell stories of how, as a toddler, I would protest unwanted visits with relatives by taking a well-timed nap.” To read on, click here.
“Lack of human touch during social distancing can have a significant health impact. Here are five ways you can act against it.” To read on, click here.
“Boring simply doesn’t exist in Oaxaca. Every corner of this Mexican city reveals vibrant street murals, inventive cuisine, and spontaneous parades that delight the senses. Here’s your ultimate guide.” To read on, click here.
“Over the years, many historically Black cemeteries have fallen into disrepair, with oil and real estate companies eyeing those lands for development. The people buried in these makeshift graveyards were denied a voice while living, but now their descendants are championing on their behalf and demanding that these sites be preserved so that their
If I’m honest, my afternoon before BROKE LA started off pretty rough.
I guess at 30 years old I’m technically considered a millennial. I wasn’t of the privileged generation that got to see acts like David Bowie, Stevie Wonder, and of course, Prince, in their hip-thrusting, pre-Jehovah’s Witnessing glory days. No, my generation learned those artists as we grew up, their songs tempting us from behind older
I’ve never had much of an age complex. Throughout childhood my mother would often remind me, “Either grow old or die young, those are your only options.”